Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hydration Station Celebration

The ETSU Eco-Nuts spread sustainability awareness with a celebration in the CPA
JOHNSON CITY, TN - ETSU Eco-Nuts helped the East Tennessee State University's Department of Sustainability celebrate on Wednesday, Sept 7, in the Center for Physical Activity (CPA). They celebrated the addition of six hydration stations to the ETSU campus.
A hydration station is an extension of a water fountain. A bottle is set on the station and with the push of a button, it is filled with water. The design allows people to carry reusable bottles with them around campus to be refilled. This will cut down on how many plastic bottles are purchased and thrown away. "I saw them [hydration stations] at another university and I was wondering when ETSU was going to get them," says senior ETSU student Ann Fleming.
The hydration station celebration was funded by the campus sustainability fee and the Department of Sustainability. Currently, the six hydration stations are located in the CPA, Sherrod Library, Nicks Hall and Brooks Gym. "The hydration stations were a great idea. I always use them when I go to the CPA," says Fleming.
The preospects of more hydration stations coming to campus are good" We are installing two additional units in the next few monthsand hope to install more around the campus if funding becomes available," says Kathleen Moore, advisor of the Eco-Nuts and Director of Sustainability at ETSU.
At the event, the Eco-Nuts handed out 250 reusable water bottles to students who came by the CPA for the celebration. According to the president of the Eco-Nuts, Jared Jones, all 250 bottle were given out in two and a half hours. The Eco-Nuts also distributed sustainability stickers and brochures on recycling to the crowd.
The event intended to let students know about the hydration stations, educate them on the importance of sustainability, and let them meet the campus Eco-Nuts.
The Eco-Nuts consist of 15 students who live on campus. Their job is to educate students in their halls and on campus anout the importance of recycling, different sustainability efforts, and steps in making ETSU a "greener" campus. They hope to hold many events and awareness opportunities in all of the residence halls on campus and hope to bring back the Recycle Mania in the spring.
The Eco-Nuts meet every Monday night in the Centennial Hall lobby at 8 p.m. For more information, you can visit the website at or check out the ETSU Eco-Nuts facebook and Twitter. If you have any questions about the Eco-Nuts program, you can email .

Twitter: @ETSUEcoNuts

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